Our Story
In 2002, a highly talented, dashingly handsome, award-winning NYC Creative Director — [ahem…that would be me.] — sick to death of his 15 years’ daily commute and ‘big-agency’ mind-set — had an epiphany.
Wouldn’t it be an incredible gig to work locally in The Hudson Valley, and not waste hours every week commuting? And, wouldn’t it be just—well—awesome to work at a ‘creative’ firm where every client was treated with equal care, attention to detail and dedication?
At this firm there would be no inflated billing procedures or tiers of talent for different clients. And, no jockeying for media commissions. Just great ‘creative communications’ — delivering targeted, brand and revenue enhancing messages to select targeted audiences. What a concept!
Our brilliant entrepreneur — […me again.] — knew he was on to something big.
— And, so it began. —
I officially hung up my ‘country doctor’ shingle and assured my wife we’d be okay. Eventually, I came to believe it myself. Now, years after that highly talented, dashingly handsome, award-winning NYC Creative Director – […you know who.] — left a good job in the city, I’m proud to say that he/I have stayed true to our vision.
Believe me, I don’t claim to be perfect. But when my associates or I make recommendations or offer up solutions you can be sure they’re creative, well thought out, arrived at through professional experience and insights, and have your best interests at heart.
Steve Powell

“We’re not perfect, but when we make recommendations or offer up solutions, you can be sure they’re creative, well thought out, arrived at through professional experience and insights, and have your best interests at heart.”
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You bring the steak; we’ll create the sizzle.
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You bring the steak; we’ll create the sizzle.