Published Articles
A sampling of some of the many articles by Steve that have been published through the years.

Finding Your Brand
Branding your business, service, product or non-profit organization is definitely NOT just for the big consumer-oriented guys. For large and small organizations alike, the road to commanding the most impact recognition and good will possible from your marketing efforts is by branding your business consistently.
The Fine Art of Advertising
As a professional creative who made the decision early in his career to focus on business communications, I'd like to address the art of advertising. Is that too pretentious, do you think? Categorizing advertising as an art form? Are we getting a little too carried away here? Maybe a little too full of ourselves?
There Ought’a Be a Law!
There ought’a be a law that says anyone responsible for any kind of a marketing effort for any kind of a business enterprise - in any place, in any way - must spend a year selling directly to the public first. Person-to-person. Face-to-face. Then, and only then, should they take a stab at writing marketing copy.
Green Marketing
Is it possible to do something good and still be self-serving? Absolutely. A couple of years ago, IBM’s advertising featured a self-important exec asking, “Why should I care about ‘going green’ when all I care about is our bottom line?” An IT guy answered, “This will save us umpteen-million dollars annually by...” This statement was usually followed by bugging eyes and little cartoon animals.
What’s The Big Idea?
Planning on doing a little marketing for your business? Then you need the BIG IDEA! You know, a unique marketing concept that catches people’s attention long enough to slip a particular sales message or call to action past their over-burdened, ever-wary consumer defenses. Ideas like, “Where’s The Beef”, “It’s The Real Thing”, “I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing!"
The World Wide Web of Confusion
Does your business really need a web site? Almost definitely. These days, people and businesses of all ages do most of their purchasing or research online. Also, there's a certain credibility gained by a web presence – even more so when it’s obviously professionally produced. Okay, so you probably need a web site. But what kind of a site and how much should you spend?
EXPOse Yourself!
It’s tradeshow season and you’re responsible — Will your organization be prepared for ultimate sales success or have to write it off as ‘just another show’? Like all marketing efforts, the first question to be asked is the most basic and the most important. What are you trying to accomplish by exhibiting at a trade show?
The Meaning of Life
Like almost everything in business and marketing, if you’ve chosen to exhibit at a trade show or Expo it’s critical that you clearly define what you hope to achieve. Sometimes it’s important to attend a trade show just to support an organization, but most exhibitors have very distinct goals for their investment of time and money.
Trade Show Mistakes
Exhibiting at a trade show doesn’t have to be a win or lose situation. Understand the primary reason you’re there, know the primary motivations of the visitors and exhibitors you’ll meet and remember that part of the ‘job requirement’ is to project a cheerful, confident impression that’s going to last past a brief encounter.